When you choose a consumer finance loan over a credit card or title/payday loan you know what you are getting into. You will be able to budget in your exact monthly payment, you will know exactly how much your interest charges will be, and you will know exactly how long it will take you to pay back the loan if you make your payments as scheduled.
Lending terms starting at 12 months. Maximum term is 48 months. Maximum rate is 36% (per Iowa code)
Amount | Term | Rate | Monthly Payment | **Total Payments |
$1100 | 18 | 35% | $88.00 | $1,584.00 |
$1500 | 24 | 35% | $99.50 | $2,388.00 |
$3000 | 36 | 35% | $162.00 | $5,832.00 |
$5000 | 36 | 32% | $258.00 | $9,288.00 |